What do you attract into your life? Are you creating a world that you love and enjoy? Some times we create by default. Life just happens after all, right? No, you really do create your life, the good, the bad and the ugly! Why not become aware of your energy and your thoughts. Just become aware of what you think about all day. Focus your attention on your thought patterns, begin to notice the life you are creating. You do have choices and you can change your life.
We have seven energy centres or "chakras" in our body. These centres run vertically from the crown (top of the head) to the perineum in our bodies. The 5th, 6th and 7th chakras are said to generate thought, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras are where emotions arise from and the 4th chakra (heart) is where our feelings and beliefs arise from. If you learn about your centres and what areas they govern and how to balance them, you will create a better understanding of your self and de-personalize your life situations.
When we marry thoughts with the emotion of our love or fear regarding them, we create feelings. Feelings are defined as "the union of thought and emotion." They're the basis of our beliefs and are formed in our hearts. (from Gregg Braden's book The Spontaneous Healing of Belief).
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