Sunday, October 2, 2011


I would like to clarify some of my perceptions, opinions etc. about immunizations. Since the inception of immunizations, we've seen many diseases greatly reduced and some even disappear. The basic premise of immunizations is wonderful. Introduce the body to a small dose of the disease so our bodies can build up an immunity to that disease. What I'm opposed to are all the other things they (supposedly) put into the mix.

Clearly there are many misconceptions out there about immunizations, especially on the internet. I have done some research and asked some Doctors about what actually goes into the immunization mix. I have made a choice not to be immunized in the tradition way until I can prove to myself that what's in the mix is safe.

I do not like the intimidation and the scare tactics used to coerce people into getting themselves and their children immunized. Last I heard it is still a choice and not legally binding that you must get immunized. I do admit that in the past couple of years things have eased off and many health practitioners are advocating being as informed as possible and then make your decision.

At this point all we can do is be as informed as possible and listen to our inner self and follow what we think is the best option.