Friday, May 25, 2007

Latest Energy Blast

I was reading Karen Bishop's (What's up on Planet Earth) latest Energy Alert. Her main message is for us to carefully monitor our thoughts. With the latest energy blasts, whatever we are thinking about (positive or negative) is being manifested at an incredibly fast rate! I for one would like to think positively and be in the higher vibrations and watch my wonderful thoughts and visions manifest!

I've seen in the past week the Indigo children (mine included) pump up the volume to let us know what is not working! Alton has been acting out at school and at home. I'm trying to give Alton alternative solutions to his acting out, but being only six it may take a while for him to change? I keep focusing on the positive for Alton. In the meantime he spends time at school in doors at recess and lunch writing lines and at home sitting in the corner. Believe me I've tried a lot of creative ways to get Alton to listen and sitting in the corner with nothing to do seems to work (for today anyways!). He only has 4 more weeks of school, I hope his teacher makes it! There are a lot of Indigo's doing what they can to get our attention. I know their "acting" out will only get louder and louder until we actually do something to change the various systems. I am looking at alternatives for schooling for next September for Alton. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank goodness I have a very loving group of wonderful friends and family to support me and of course all of my Angels!

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